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Daily Card Draw

Weekly Card Draw:

7th April 2024

Monthly Card Draw

©2009  Vicki Tiernan. All Rights Reserved.

The Gift:  

Ace of Wands:  

Raw Power of the New...

The Lesson:

Queen of Wands Rx:

Lack of Energy or Confidence...

To receive the Gifts we must learn from & integrate the Lesson.

The Gift card is one of beginnings, that of the raw power needed to act & achieve; the courge to learn from putting your shoulder to the wheel.  This Ace is the fastest moving Ace of the suits & indicates that results can be seen sooner rather than later so long as courage & confidence are harnessed.  

The Lesson card is one of finding the courage to push through & do what needs to be done.  Some may need to give voice to their fears or frustrations; whether it be speaking with someone, journalling, or even yelling into a pillow in order to calm the lack & regain self confidence.  This card may indicate a pushy & opinionated woman pushing her beliefs onto you, causing a draining of energy & inner wisdom; for this firm, loving, respectful boundaries are needed...this is a Fire spread after all...

The Gift:  

III The Empress:  

Creativity & Growth...

The Lesson:

8 of Swords Rx:

Lateral Thinking & Adaptation...

To receive the Gifts we must learn from & integrate the Lesson.

When a card is in it's shadow aspect - reveresed  - it's helpful to understand the next step forward by loking at the previous card of that suit to discern its message.  For instance, the Lesson card indicate a change in thinking to receive the results needed. So, we turn to the 7 of Swords to see its message of being clever, creative & thinking outside the box. Hence, the swords are no longer in the ground pinning the figure in place & the Gift card of the Empress heralds as all 3's do; growth & progress.  Keep in mind that creativity can sometimes be a messy & chaotic business & you may not see the immediate results, see through the eyes of an owl to see what is not immediately visibile...

King of Swords:

Planning & Success...

Being the Earth aspect of the suit, this King will remain detached & carefully observe what is in front of him, create a clear strategy & execute it..  He may be the quietest of the Kings; however remaining focussed on an outcome & communicating it clearly is his strong sut.

Today, don't be afraid to enlist useful support as you move toward goals; networking & negotiating may aid you gretly....


Tarot Corner

Each month a  deck

is showcased:


Universal Celtic
