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Vicki, Clairvoyant & Medium

Knowledge is Transformation, Transformation is Freedom

Did you know...

The Tarot is split into two very distinct Arcana,

The Major Arcana; The Archetypes of the Fool's Journey,

The Minor Arcana; the everyday happenings & events unfolding throughout the Fool's Journey...

The Tarot has a rich history with a fascinating mythology; one of which is the Tarot was developed by Egyptians as a game & a fortune telling device & spread through the world by Gypsies...

In truth, it was developed as a card game in Italy in the 14th century,  "carte de trionfi" or Cards of the Triumphs. The earliest Tarot deck was the Visconti-Sforza created in the mid 1400's.  The cards were beautifully illustrated; each card hand drawn & painted (the time before the printing press) making them a luxury available to only the very wealthy.

The cards did not begin as a divination tool until the 1700's with the development of the Tarot de Marseille, then the 1800's when the craze for the occult took hold.  A French occultist, Jean-Baptise Alliepttee, is credited for creating the first definitive guide to Tarot card reading, and alongside it a study on how to use Tarot as a divination tool.

While also giving meaning to each of the cards, incorporating beliefs about astronomy and the four elements. In addition, he assigned a specific order and spread to the cards, both forwards and backwards — a system still used today.  Mystical groups such as the Theosophical Society and the Rosicrucians turned Tarot into an American fad during the early 1900s, where it evolved into what it is today.

Below is the Major Arcana card from The Housewives Tarot & Tarot Vintage

XIII - Death

The Fool may have learned some valuable & bumpy lessons thanks to the Justice card; for now the lessons of balance & truth have been alchemised into the journey & now arrives a frustrating time requiring surrender, immense patience, & a willingness to see things from another perspective...

The Fool realises through looking at things from a different perspective that all cannot go on as before. They may be reluctant to move on from the Hanged Man; that of not taking action & instead remaning in a state of suspended animation so to speak, but choosing or being compelled, to embrace the next Archetype - that of Death.  To release that which NEEDS to die, to embrace transformation indicated by the Sun rising between the towers.



Something NEEDS to end.  Change, exposure, letting go off the old self, death of the old self to allow for growth, death of the ego, closing of one door so another may open, reminder of changes that need to be made, recognise the need for endings, surrendering to the current transition suffering may be lessened, taking an issue down to the “bare bones”, termination, inevitability, Endings = transformation, sadness at the end; joy for the soon to be, paradox, renewal, spiritualism, psychopomp.

The Death card, ultimately, is a very factual card. Something will end. You will feel sadness over that loss. And something new will take it's place. Those are the facts. How you deal with all those is up to you. But there is the challenge. How will you deal with each one of those facts? And if you can't deal....well, there is the obstacle. What if you can't face those facts? There are people who refuse to believe something has ended and is gone. There are those who won't let themselves mourn. Death says you need to do both. Understand, it doesn't say you have to accept the new thing that moved into that empty spot left by the old thing. Nor does it say you ever have to come to terms with the loss. You can be forever sad about it. But you do have to accept that it is gone; and you do need to accept how you feel about that (sadness/mourning).  Doing this, is Death's challenge. Not being able to do one, the other or both...creates an obstacle to living; because it means you are denying both reality and your own honest feelings. You separate yourself from yourself when you deny either/or both the facts of loss or your sadness over that loss.

Rx. Traumatic adjustment, difficult change, decay, upheaval, depression, corruption, self loathing, stagnation, resisting change, delay, fear of change my keep you on your current path - although it may be destructive, changes for the worse, refusal to change, hard time dealing with loss or letting go,


Planetary attrib. - Scorpio

vibrant, magnetic, passionate, sexual, prone to extremes, obsessive, vengeful, jealous, spiteful, unforgiving, self-destructive

©2009  Vicki Tiernan. All Rights Reserved.